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Imran Seaview

SEO Freelancer
(Singapore & USA)

Global SEO Services

Professional SEO Services (Singapore & USA)

I understand the importance of a strong online presence for businesses in both the USA and Singapore. In this digital era, where search engines and social media reign supreme, being visible online is crucial for reaching your target audience.

Here’s why SEO is a game-changer, especially for US companies:

Massive Search Engine Usage

Just like in Singapore, a staggering 80% of Americans rely on Google to find products and services.

Organic Search Reigns King

Consumers in both countries tend to trust organic search results over paid ads (around 75% in the US). This means ranking high organically is key to attracting potential customers.

SEO Services USA by Professional Blogger

SEO expert

I offer a fresh approach to SEO, tailored to keep pace with the latest search engine algorithms. Over the past 15 years, I’ve honed techniques that align with the strategies used by top-performing websites to secure prime positions on Google and other search engines. While my methods may seem complex, I’m here to simplify them for you. I categorize my activities into two main types:

On-Page SEO: I optimize your website to make it more Google-friendly. This includes implementing meta tags, adding alt tags, optimizing content, structuring headings, and setting up sitemaps and robots.txt files.

Off-Page SEO: After optimizing your site internally, I focus on external SEO strategies to build backlinks and diversify traffic sources. This includes social bookmarking, directory submissions, and creating videos, infographics, and submissions to blogs and forums.

In addition, I leverage my 15 years of niche-specific research and expertise to tailor a strategy for each client.

Traffic vs. Revenue: Why SEO Isn't a Magic Bullet for Entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurs chase SEO as the key to success, hoping for a surge in website visitors. But often, that traffic doesn’t convert into sales. This is a problem I’ve seen countless times in my 15+ years navigating the intersection of SEO and entrepreneurship. Through working with over 500 entrepreneurs and 200+ projects, I’ve learned what truly works to generate revenue, and what are just flashy distractions.

This site is designed for SEOs, marketers, and entrepreneurs who are serious about building thriving businesses. We tackle the tough questions and provide practical marketing guidance to help you achieve real growth, not just vanity metrics.

SEO Freelancer USA

USA SEO Freelancer

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for any US business. With search engines and social media dominating American consumer behavior, reaching your target audience online is crucial. Here’s why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) should be a top priority:

  • Massive Search Engine Usage: Nearly 60% of Americans rely on Google to find products and services.
  • Dominance of Online Listings: A whopping 75% of US consumers prefer online listings over traditional paid advertising.

Simply put, effective SEO helps your business rank higher in search results, driving more qualified traffic to your website and ultimately increasing sales.

This is where a US-based SEO freelancer can be your secret weapon. They understand the nuances of the American market and can tailor an SEO strategy to maximize your online visibility within the US.

Modern SEO for US Businesses: Get Found Online, Fast

We stay ahead of the curve with the latest SEO strategies. Forget outdated tactics – our approach is specifically designed to meet the evolving algorithms of major search engines.

Over 15 years of experience have honed my skills in crafting effective SEO plans. My proven strategies consistently help businesses land their websites in the top 10 results on Google and other search engines.

We can categorize our SEO services into two main areas

On-Page SEO: Building a Google-Friendly Website

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing the elements within your website to improve search engine ranking. We implement a variety of strategies to make your website more attractive to Google, including:

  • Meta Tags and Title Optimization: Crafting clear and concise meta tags and titles that accurately reflect your page content.
  • Image Optimization: Adding relevant alt tags to your images, improving website accessibility and helping search engines understand your content.
  • Smart Content Creation: Developing high-quality, informative content that keeps users engaged and search engines satisfied.
  • Internal Linking: Building a strong internal linking structure that helps search engines navigate your website and understand its hierarchy.
Off-Page SEO: Boosting Your Website's Authority

Off-page SEO focuses on activities outside your website that improve your overall online presence and build authority. This can lead to increased website traffic and higher search engine rankings. Here’s how we achieve this:

  • Link Building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites that signal trust and relevance to search engines. (Note: Avoid practices like social bookmarking and directory submissions, as these are often ineffective or even harmful.)
  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable content (like infographics or blog posts) that gets shared across social media platforms and other websites.
  • Brand Building: Engaging in online activities that elevate your brand reputation and establish you as a thought leader within your industry.

By combining effective on-page and off-page SEO strategies, we can help your website achieve top search engine rankings and attract more qualified traffic.

USA & Singapore SEO Freelancer

Struggling to get your website noticed in search results? We can help.

We are a team of experienced SEO specialists based in the USA and Singapore, offering customized solutions to boost your online visibility and drive targeted traffic.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Results-driven approach: Our focus is on measurable outcomes, increasing your website traffic and ultimately, your sales.
  • Data-backed strategies: We leverage data analytics to tailor an SEO plan specifically for your business and target audience.
  • Comprehensive digital marketing expertise: We go beyond just SEO, offering additional services to enhance your overall online presence.


Freelance SEO USA

Struggling to get real results from website traffic?

You’re not alone. Many business owners see SEO as a mysterious code reserved for tech wizards. But here’s the secret: it doesn’t have to be.

This website is your one-stop shop for clear, actionable SEO and digital marketing strategies. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned entrepreneur, I’ll break down the tactics you need to attract more qualified visitors and turn them into paying customers.

Stop chasing vanity metrics. Learn how to drive targeted traffic that fuels real growth and helps you reach your revenue goals.

Don’t just buy a service, invest in your website’s success. Contact us today to discuss your SEO goals and let us craft a strategy that delivers real results.